Wellbeing and Patoral Care
Since January 2017, Carrigallen Vocational School has embarked on the new Junior Cycle Wellbeing module, bringing the concept of Wellbeing into all areas of school life.
Wellbeing means that students realise their abilities, take care of their physical wellbeing, can cope with the normal stresses of life, and have a sense of purpose and belonging to a wider community. We believe that it is important to promote wellbeing in all classes as it leads to better educational outcomes or can influence young people’s outcomes as adults.
Carrigallen Vocational School regards pastoral care as a vital component in creating a positive school atmosphere of care, support, respect and encouragement. Pastoral Care in Carrigallen Vocational School involves the entire school community. The team offers a supportive and welcoming environment.
From 1st Year, students are assigned a class tutor and a year head. The role of the tutor and year heard is to monitor the student’s general behaviour encouraging a positive attitude and work ethic. They also liaise with subject teachers and parents where necessary.
The guidance counsellor or other appointed counsellors meet with the students regularly, caring for their personal wellbeing and empowering them to take responsibility for their own future development.
Our school has a trained chaplain who is available to meet with students individually and help them on their journey through life.
Members of our staff are trained in the ASSIST course which include suicide intervention skills and in the Rainbows Programme which deals with issues around bereavement, loss and separation.