Guidance and Counselling

  • Transition Year, 5th and 6th Year students all get a class of Career Guidance per week.
  • Junior Classes get a module under Wellbeing (in First Year).
  • 3rd Years also receive a class in Subject Choices.

This includes:

  • Aptitude and Assessment Testing.
  • Guidance and assistance with career choice.
  • Guidance and assistance with Third Level choices.
  • Guidance with subject choices (2nd and 5th Year).
  • Personal counselling.
  • Referral to outside agencies if required.

Home Youth Liaison Service

The mission of the HYLS is:

  • To provide a sympathetic, confidential, non-judgemental and personal support to young people and their families with the objective of enhancing the young person’s future personal and social development and wellbeing.
  • To provide a link between family, school and professional services (both in the government sector and the voluntary sector). 
  • The guiding principle that underpins all of our work is to place the young person at the centre of the decision-making process with the aim of allowing them to take responsibility for their own choices and actions.

The HYLS officer is available in Carrigallen Vocational School one day each week and she meets with students who have been referred to her. A teacher, member of management / Year Head may recommend a student for referral. The student and their parents / guardians are contacted and if everyone is in agreement, the student may attend for a session or a number of weekly sessions.