Learning Support / SNAs / Team Teaching
Resource Classes
In the case where students qualify for Irish exemptions, they attend classes where they can receive support specific to their needs during Irish class time. This support could be subject based or could focus on the development of social skills.
These support classes are led by teachers with SEN qualifications where possible.
Support classes are also available for students with SEN are not participating in other language classes (French).
Special Needs Assistants
Carrigallen Vocational School recognises the very important work done by SNAs in our school.
SNAs provide invaluable support for students with specific care needs in many areas, both in and out of classes in the school environment.
SNAs help students with mobility, transport, timetables, medical needs, supervision of time out, participation in curricular and extra-curricular events, examinations and liaising with parents.
Continuing access to an SNA is regularly monitored by the area SENO (Special Education Needs Organiser).
Professional reports and assessments play an important role in the process of allocating SNA support. The SENO decides the level of SNA support to be allocated to the school, in accordance with DES policy.
Team Teaching
For the last number of years, some staff at Carrigallen Vocational School have engaged in the practice of team teaching where it has been practical. Currently, this practice works well for English.
Team teaching can replace the division of classes, giving students a better opportunity to learn together in the one classroom. Students who need extra help can be supported by a second teacher who ‘floats’ and offers students further explanations on class material or assistance with tasks.
This can benefit every student in the class, not just the students with specific special educational needs.